Mone y Laundering Prevention.

Within the regulatory framework, since its entry into effect in July 2013, the Federal Law for the Prevention and Identification of Operations with Resources of Illicit Origin (Anti-Money Laundering Law) is responsible for regulating financial activities, in order to avoid the legitimization of capital and actions that may serve to finance terrorist activities and thereby contributing to the development of a healthy economy.

The term “money laundering” is defined as the action of legitimizing illicitly obtained capital. In other words, to launder money is to legalize through a legal operation, money that was obtained from an illegal operation.

In our firm we have specialized personnel with the aim of providing our clients with comprehensive advice on this matter.

The main services that we offer in money laundering prevention are the following:

– Advice and/or elaboration of the manual that summarizes the policies, criteria and internal measures in compliance with the Anti-Laundering Law.

– Establishment or revision of money laundering prevention controls

-Revision and/or guidance of the correct integration of client files

– Preparation and presentation of monthly reports

– Advice on the preparation and presentation of monthly reports

– Advice on identifying high-risk operations

– Advice on the development of internal forms

– Review of functions of the Anti-Money Laundering Law Compliance Officer

– Advice and/or implementation of anti-money laundering law compliance process

– Anti-Laundering Law Compliance Monitoring


Sea cual sea su pregunta, nuestro equipo global le indicará la dirección correcta

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