Meeting the needs of social responsibility not only personally but as an organization, we consider that our commitment is to give back to the community in which we live and work.

At HLB Baja California, we promote and practice some actions through corporate social responsibility initiatives that have a positive impact on society.



We respect the environment, minimizing the generation of waste and rationalizing the use of natural and energy resources. We are aware of the need to avoid printing on paper by using digital documentation in our offices and opting for digital filing.

Following programs to reduce, reuse and recycle: glass, paper, cardboard, etc., as well as recycling and proper management of electronic waste and batteries to avoid damage to our health and the environment.


Promoting Diversity and Inclusion.

For our business to thrive, we need our people to thrive. At HLB, we believe that creating a diverse and inclusive environment at all levels of the organization fosters innovation and employee engagement, promoting workplace inclusion without regard to gender, disability, cultural or generational diversity, as well as leadership skills that foster diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

 Our goal is to provide the best opportunities for our people and to attract and retain the best talent to ultimately serve our clients better 


Social and Economic Development.

Benefiting non-profit institutions by providing our services at reduced fees.

Registration of contribution programs to institutions that help vulnerable groups in our society such as ANSPAC, Fundación UABC with the Alas scholarship program.

Support in states of emergency to victims of natural disasters to provide aid with food, shelter materials, toiletries and first aid, etc.

Participating in fundraising events of non-profit institutions.


Office-School Program

At HLB Baja California, we know how important it is to gain professional experience and how difficult it can be for a student or recent graduate to gain that experience, even with an excellent academic background.

Aware of the aforementioned, we support students with social service programs and professional internships for different educational institutions at the middle and higher levels with economic aid for meals or transportation.

After finishing the programs, if they are interested in becoming part of our professional team and continue developing, they are offered part-time jobs with the option of joining full time upon graduation.

Also, as their first job to recent graduates entering the labor market to gain experience and continue their professional development, as they represent our future professionals.

As a stimulus to the conclusion of their academic training, we provide financial support for the expenses of the process of a higher education degree to the members of the team.


Sea cual sea su pregunta, nuestro equipo global le indicará la dirección correcta

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